Ceviche | シェフズブログ | パーク ハイアット 東京


Federico Heinzmann



The ceviche represents to me the spirit of the good food: simplicity,tasty, vibrant and dependent of a great product. No more than 5 elements combined: fresh fish, lime, onions, coriander and salt are needed to create a full cultural experience.

The fresh and seasonal fish cut in small dices and mixed with lime juice creates the famous “ Leche de Tigre” or tiger’s milk. A white and milky juice that the Latins like to drink to feel strong and, in some cases, used to cure the hangover after a late night partying.

Mix the red onions, the coriander and a pinch of salt. Marinate it for 3 to 4 minutes and the dish is ready to be enjoyed!

A lot of varieties of ceviche can be found around the world with exotic fruit, shellfish, crustacean and even only vegetables like the famous tomato ceviche.

In Japan with the large amount of high quality seasonal fish, ceviche has become one of the favorite dishes to prepare during spring season.