“ピノノワール”のカクテル | シェフズブログ | パーク ハイアット 東京


Yasukazu Yokota


ニューヨーク バーのビバレッジ マネージャーの横田と申します。本日は季節のカクテルのご案内をさせていただきます。

只今ニューヨーク バーでは、醸造用のブドウを使用したカクテルを販売しております。色々なブドウのカクテルはございますが、醸造用ブドウのカクテルは大変珍しいかと思います。こちらは、山梨県にあるワイナリーの皆様のご協力によりご用意が可能になりました。スタッフの皆様、本当にありがとうございました。




皆様のご来館をニューヨークバー スタッフ一同心よりお待ち申し上げております。


Greetings from Park Hyatt Tokyo! I am Yasukazu Yokota, Beverages Manager of New York Bar.

I would like to introduce you all to our seasonal cocktail.

At this time, we are offering brewed grape cocktails at New York Bar. There are a variety of grape cocktails however brewed grape cocktails are extremely rare. We were able to produce this original cocktail through the support of a winery in Yamanashi prefecture. I would like to thank all of the staff there for their cooperation.

This week we are preparing a simple cocktail made with freshly-brewed Pinot Noir grapes and white spirits in order to enhance the aroma from the grapes.

We were supposed to introduce this cocktail in early September, however due to the hot climate in early August, the harvesting of the grapes began early.

Please try our new cocktail and enjoy the aroma of Pinot Noir and taste the sweet flavor and subtle acidity of the brewed grapes.

We will be serving a variety of grape cocktails every week until early October.

The New York Bar staff and I welcome you to come savor a glass of our seasonal cocktail while gazing into the spectacular night view of the glittering city lights of Tokyo.